Vifra Srl has successfully completed the registration of its first European trademark: its name is Insamase.

Thanks to this operation, the companies that will market SAMe-based products will have the opportunity to boast the new Insamase registered brand on the label: an interesting novelty from a commercial and marketing point of view that enriches the already consolidated opportunity, for months consolidated, to commission the production of SAMe-based supplements using the specific technology patented by Fmc Srl.

What is insamase

Insamase represents one of the three lines of Ready-to-market supplements by Vifra Srl: a formulation line that identifies all stabilized products based on SAMe associated with other active ingredients according to market segmentation.

An active, SAMe, with multiple therapeutic potentials with very great processing difficulties due to its high instability and hygroscopicity, a limit that FMC Srl has been able to successfully overcome thanks to its patented technology.

In fact, the Ready-to-market products of the Insamase line use the technological patent owned by FMC Srl, given in exclusive concession to VIFRA Srl.

What is same and what are its benefits

S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe) is a naturally occurring molecule virtually distributed to all body tissues and fluids.

It is of fundamental importance in several biochemical reactions of an enzymatic nature involving enzymatic transmethylation, contributing to the synthesis and metabolism of compounds such as hormones, neurotransmitters, nucleic acids, proteins, phospholipids. and some medications.

S-adenosyl methionine (SAMe) has two key benefits:

  • improves mood;
  • significantly contributes to reducing the symptoms of milder depression
  • essential precursor for numerous biochemical reactions in the liver, thus contributing to the correct metabolism of hepatocytes
  • The integration with SAMe is an interesting and often underestimated frontier, which constitutes a valid alternative or in any case a support to pharmacological treatments for problems relating to mood.

SAMe can restore glutathione concentrations in the liver but also thereby reducing liver injury from exogenous and endogenous factors.

SAMe also plays a synergistic role with other substances with an antioxidant action, in particular with Glutathione and SOD, constituting the antioxidant pool of our body.

SAMe-based nutraceutical supplementation to the diet of patients affected by  mild depression significantly contributes to the endogenous production of serotonin, dopamine and phosphatidylserine and improves the binding of neurotransmitters to receptor sites, with a consequent increase in serotonin and dopamine activity and a better fluidity of the brain cell membrane, thus leading to a very significant improvement in mood.

SAMe is used as a supplement in order to obtain the following benefits:

  • to improve bone health;
  • to fluidify the mobility of the joints;
  • to help to achieve a good degree of emotional well-being;
  • to improve mood;

Double benefits, therefore, both from a physical and from an emotional point of view, going to restore a balance within the body.

SAMe was discovered in 1952 by an Italian, Giulio Cantoni, a pharmacologist famous for having perceived the mechanism of methylation, which is a fundamental biological process also assisted by vitamin B6 and folic acid.

The concentration of S-adenosyl methionine in the body tends to vary based on a number of factors, both modifiable and non-modifiable, including:

  • the usual diet;
  • nutritional deficiencies (especially folic acid and vitamin B12);
  • age (SAMe values decrease physiologically with ageing);
  • pregnancy (another period of life in which SAMe levels drop)
  • situations of particular and increased stress;
  • taking certain medicines;
  • individual genetics.

So what is SAMe for?

1) It plays a fundamental role in liver function as it helps the correct functioning of hepatic metabolism and facilitates the release of bile, the latter action being essential for governing all digestive processes;

2) It supports emotional well-being and improve mood tone with consequent improvement of the sleep-wake cycle. For which age group are SAMe-based supplements indicated?

For all age groups:

– Kids who play sports exploit  a lot of liver and kidneys and moreover sportsmen often tend to develop joint problems that could benefit from the use of SAMe;

– Old age: SAMe levels drop considerably as age progresses, therefore from 60 years onwards integrating SAMe levels is essential.

Anxiety and SAMe

Anxiety is a mental state of an individual, characterized by worry or fear.

It is a complex combination of emotions, often accompanied by physical symptoms such as palpitations, chest pains, nausea, intestinal pains.

It is distinguished from actual fear by being vague, non-specific, and often resulting from an internal conflict.

Studies suggest that some supplements may improve anxiety symptoms.

Among these we can include vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids and herbal remedies

Worthy of note is the S-Adenosyl Methionine or SAMe, a substance produced by the pineal gland and which takes part in many biochemical reactions in the human body.

SAMe acts through a process of methylation, donating a CH3 group to another molecule.

The latter can be DNA, protein, lipid, RNA or neurotransmitters, playing a crucial role in the synthesis of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine.

Actually, a supplementation of SAMe indirectly determines the amount of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine circulating in the brain and central nervous system.

One specific study found that SAMe is just as effective as imipramine in treating depression as well.

A synergy with other phytotherapeutic principles is certainly useful: ashwagandha, rhodiola and valerian for example.

A review of more than 100 publications, over a 20-year period, found that 45% of studies reported positive results of herbal supplements on symptoms of anxiety and depression with fewer negative effects than traditional medications.

SAMe-based supplements

Based on SAME, these food supplements have been developed within the Vifra Srl portfolio:

  1. heparsame
  2. same mood

belonging respectively to the categories of Antioxidant and Mood&Performance supplements, in which SAMe, in fact, is associated with other active ingredients according to the reference market segment.

SAMe technology patented by FMC

Vifra Srl Ready-to-market supplements use the innovative technology patented by FMC Srl, given in exclusive concession to Vifra Srl, an important result of the FMC Srl Research and Development team which led to the filing of the patent relating to the technological processes that allow the processing and stabilization of SAMe.

The benefits of using the insamase brand

Using the Insamase brand will lead to an increase in the value of the product in the perception of consumers; an implicit promise in the product that increases the perception of reliability and credibility of the product, effectively increasing brand awareness and recognition.

If you want to find out more about the opportunities to benefit from the Insamase brand, get in touch with the Vifra Srl Team right away.