What it is?

is a food supplement containing Passionflower formulated to help people cope with chronic stress resulting from hectic life. It helps to manage stressful situations of various kinds, which lead to the predisposition to a series of inflammatory and oxidative pathologies.


An innovative Formula

PASSIONFLOWER is a plant with powerful calming properties and it is effective in counteracting insomnia. During the First World War, Passionflower was given to soldiers as a natural relaxing treatment to counteract states of anxiety thanks to its flavonoids (such as hyperoside and vitexin) some of which bind to brain receptors for benzodiazepines, well-known drugs for their anxiolytic and sedative activities. It is also rich in benzoflavones, glycosides, indole alkaloids and essential oil. All these substances together give to Passionflower a calming action on the central nervous system, in particular on the motor area of ​​the spinal cord and on the sleep centers. It also acts on the smooth musculature at the level of internal organs, such as stomach, intestines and bronchioles.

WITHANIA SOMNIFERA known in Ayurvedic medicine as Ashwagandha, it contains some active ingredients, withanolids, capable of producing a general improvement in physical and psychic conditions. Withanolids mainly act as adaptogene, capable of increasing the natural resistence of the organism to stress and regulate metabolic and cognitive functions.

GROUP B VITAMINS have the task of transforming the food we eat into energy, so they are often recommended to counteract fatigue, not only physical but also mental. Vitamins are also essential for the synthesis of serotonin, the well-being neurotransmitter responsible for alleviating the feeling of stress.

To whom it is recommended

RELAX is indicated for various types of problems with a common denominator:  stress, which can cause cardiovascular problems related to insomnia, depression,  up to premature aging.