B vitamins are paramount for a good body health.

They cannot be produced by the human body, so they must be introduced through food.

In general, B vitamins can be found in:

  • Liver
  • Egg yolk
  • Brewer’s yeast
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Meat
  • Legumes

A diet that is balanced and varied in its basic constituents can ensure an adequate supply of B vitamins.


B Vitamins are paramount to ensure the metabolic energy we need for our daily activities.

In addition, B vitamins have an essential role, contributing to the maintenance of scalp, hair and teeth health and ensuring the physiological functions of the cardiovascular system.

The human microbiota is an integral part of human body and is crucial for its psychophysics balance.

B vitamins, in particular B1, B2 and B6, have a direct and symbiotic connection with the human microbiota: this latter can influence the processes of vitamins absorption and, at the same time, can nourish itself with B vitamins that have a prebiotic action.



Depression is a mental health condition that, always more frequently, affects people of all ages and genders and it may represent a cofactor in the onset of endocrine, cardiovascular, and neurodegenerative disorders.

B vitamins, in particular B1, B2 and B6, can represent a valid support against depression symptoms because they are cofactors essential for biochemical reactions underlying mood regulation.

Vitamin B12 Supplementation: Preventing Onset and Improving Prognosis of Depression – PMC (nih.gov)

Phycological balance is influenced by environmental and socioeconomic factors and, in addition, by the dietary style.

B vitamins play an important role in supplementing any deficiencies in the diet.

In a clinical study, vitamins B6 and B12 showed an important beneficial effect on the mood of 80 Indonesian nurses undergoing significant work stress.

Taking vitamin B12 in a timely manner has also shown a great efficacy in patients prone to depression, especially in combination with antidepressants.

Mental Health Benefits of Vitamin B Complex (verywellmind.com)

A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of B Vitamin Supplementation on Depressive Symptoms, Anxiety, and Stress: Effects on Healthy and ‘At-Risk’ Individuals – PMC (nih.gov)

Recent studies have tested and quantified the effects of vitamin B supplementation on the mood of healthy and “at risk” populations.

Recent systemic research has analyzed the effects of a daily supplementation of at least 3 B vitamins for a period of at least four weeks.

Eleven of the 18 selected subjects revealed a positive effect for b vitamins, compared to a placebo, regarding the mood in general or a specific aspect of the mood itself.

Of the eight studies conducted with reference to subjects at risk, five found a significant benefit for mood.

Regarding the specific aspects of mood, vitamin B supplementation benefited psychophysical stress.

The statistical reviewed provided evidence of the benefits of vitamin B supplementation in healthy populations and in those at risk of psychophysical stress, but not of depressive symptoms or related anxiety.

Vitamin B supplementation can be particularly useful for populations at risk that have vitamin mineral nutrients deficiencies or poor mood.


Among Vifra B vitamins supplements we can find:

RELAX: Relax is a food supplement containing Passionflower, formulated to help people to cope with chronic stress deriving from a busy lifestyle. This supplement helps dealing with various types of stressful situations that last for a long time and lead to a range of inflammatory disorders and oxidative stress.

MEMOMINT: is a food supplement which provides a valuable support to memory and cognitive functions. It represents a significant solution in case of difficulties in concentration, cognitive deficits, and slow learning.

B vitamins contained in the supplement have a paramount role in facing with physical and mental tiredness, creating a great benefit for anxiety and stress control, promoting psychophysical relaxation.

HAIR AND NAILS: Hair and Nails is a supplement which significantly contributes to the health and beauty of hair and nails. Some nutritional deficiencies of vitamins and minerals have negative consequences on the integrity of the skin’s adnexa and, in these cases, supplementation with the active ingredients in the formulation is essential. Vitamin B5 in this supplement helps moisturize the skin and beat exfoliation and dryness.

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