Vifra has successfully completed the registration of its second European trademark: its name is Vifrakron, the new brand that identifies the Vifra’s patented technology characterized by a slow and controlled release of the active ingredient, guaranteed by the presence of a substance acting as a technical excipient that coats the active ingredient itself.

Vifrakron emerges as a formulated line which can support the market segmentation by offering technological innovations and using various patents based particularly on modified and selective release, even of a single component of the formulation.


The main benefits of Vifrakron technology are 3:

1) it is an innovative ‘slow release’ technology, i.e. it succeeds in ensuring a slow and long lasting release of the active ingredient over time, thus covering a longer period of its activity;
This mechanism gives partial gastro-resistance to the active ingredient, allowing a better bioavailability. The efficacy of the active ingredient is therefore greater.
A release trend graph is also provided for all molecules, together with chemical analysis by an external laboratory.
2) the active ingredient manages to reach different intestinal sites, improving their absorption.
3) Vifrakron technology is the only slow-release formulation that can calibrate and dose the extent of slow release, a unique differentiating factor for the brand in terms of marketing.


The busy life that we lead has an impact also on our diet.

In fact, with the rhythms of our daily life, there is never enough time to cook foods that can ensure a balanced diet containing all the nutrients that we need.

This is why, nowadays, food supplements are increasingly becoming the fundamental ally of those who want to ensure a complete supply to their organism, both under normal conditions or in particular situations, such as intensive workout, stress, pregnancy or to support medication in certain diseases.

The increased need for food supplements has led to a development in research by manufacturers who, in order to meet the increasingly peculiar needs of the market, have developed cutting-edge technologies which can accommodate the body’s needs. One example may be the reduction of absorption time of a nutrient.

Hence the birth of Vifrakron, which means the possibility of having a slow-release formulation to ensure a greater bioavailability.

The evolution and technological innovation behind Vifrakron allows the production of food supplements, for example based on bromelain and zinc, that are much better in terms of bioavailability and therefore have a longer lasting physiological action.

The Vifrakron brand distinguishes supplements belonging to different market segments that are particularly effective for the wellbeing of nails and hair, excessive gastric acidity and memory:

1) for the treatment of excessive gastric acidity associated with postprandial heartburn and hyperacidity;
2) Hair and nail products with zinc, which, thanks to slow release technology, is able to reach some sites of intestinal absorption in the large intestine.
3) Memory: food supplements that are scientifically developed with Vifrakron technology succeed in positively influencing memory as the active ingredients manage to physiologically stimulate cognitive functions for a prolonged period of time.

The decline in cognitive functions, which can emerge with memory loss and decreasing concentration and attention, is a phenomenon that occurs mainly with ageing process. However, in very intense periods characterized by strong psychophysical stress, even younger individuals may experience a decline in their ‘cognitive performance’.

By using the ‘slow release’ technology for this type of food supplements, the beneficial and preventive action of the substances themselves is even more efficient and effective, and the effects will last longer.


The Vifrakron technology is suitable for capsule and tablet preparations and is presented on the market as an alternative production and marketing option to double and triple-layer tablets, which have been on the Italian, European and non-European market for at least 10 years.

The technology is used for several components: in particular for all categories concerning enzymes such as Bromelain, mineral salts, water- and fat-soluble vitamins, and different types of botanical extracts.

Most substances can be produced with this technology.

The Vifrakron technology perfectly fits with the trends of the nutraceutical market and is an extremely valid solution for those who wants to create an extension line of an existing product or to fulfill a need for a nutritional activity.

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